Visit Peebles - The Royal Burgh

The Three Bridges Races and Spring Fete

The Peebles Three Bridges Races consists of 6 races run over the afternoon and is always held on the First bank Holiday Sunday in May.

The Peebles Three Bridges Races consists of 6 races run over the afternoon. They are always held on the First bank Holiday Sunday in May.

The gathering, which takes place on Tweed Green, is a large social event for the town and includes

The races are:
Primary 4/5 relay race,
Primary Schools Girls Race
Youths Open,
Primary Schools Boys Race
Open Race
Team Race

The three bridges that are crossed are Cuddy Bridge, Fotheringham Bridges and Priorsford Bridge, the couse being roughly 1.5 miles.

The Relay race is a recent addition and involves the race takes place in front of the crowd gathered on Tweed Green, this acts as a good warm up.

The further 5 races involve going over the 3 Bridges course, The Girls, Youths Open, Boys and team race are all once round and the Open is twice round.

The Youths Open and Open are run under the Borders Athletics Rules and entry forms can be found on the Borders Athletics website ( see below ).

The girls and boys races involves the schools around Peebleshire and is always VERY competative, and not just by the pupils!

The Team race is more of a fun run and involves a team of 4 from any club organisation or school or just a group of friends just for fun and a few prizes at the end.

Presentations take place at the end of the races except for the relay race and we try to get a local sports celebrity to do the honours. The Course can be found on the Facebook Page, in a draft format.

Contact Details :
Please mention that you found us through the 'Royal Burgh' website.

Please contact us through facebook :
Web : View Three Bridges Facebook Page

Web : Borders Athletics website
