Visit Peebles - The Royal Burgh

Public toilets, conveniences, wc

Public conveniences are located in four areas of the town.
School Brae
Edinburgh Road Car park
Hay Lodge park
Kingsmedows road car park

Public conveniences are located in four areas of the town.

School Brae (from the High Street: head through the archway which is located halfway between the Tourist Information and the County hotel. Head downhill towards Tweed Green. The toilets are located half way down the hill on the right hand side)

Hay Lodge park (as you enter the park from the main Glasgow Road entrance, you will see the toilets buildings on your right hand side)

Edinburgh Road Car park (on your right hand side as you enter the car park from the Edinburgh Road)

Kingsmedows road car park (At the west end of the car park, near the entrance)
