Who we are
Membership of Peebles Community Council consists of 18 elected members each of whom may serve for up to 3 years before standing for re-election.
Ex officio members: Currently, the six elected representatives to Scottish Borders Council from East and West Tweeddale are ex-officio members.Co-opted and ex officio members have no votes and may not be office bearers.
What we do.
A Community Council’s specific purpose is to represent the local community. Community councils are unique in that they are statutory, but they are not another tier of local government.
When and Where we meet
Ordinary Meetings of the Council are held on the Second Thursday of each month in the Council Chamber, Chambers Institution, Peebles. These meetings normally start at 7.30pm and continue until approximately 9.30 pm. All meetings are open to the public.
Each meeting now allows 15 minutes for a Question and Answer session for members of the public to ask a question on any subject of relevance to the community council.
Agenda and minutes
Our meetings are publicised in the Peeblesshire News the week before the meeting with any changes to time and venue advertised!
Minutes are filed to the archive section of this site. There is also a copy of the minutes and agenda displayed on the Community Council Noticeboard each month. The board is situated on the right of the archway leading to the Chambers Institution and Quadrangle.
A further copy is located in the library.
Please ask the librarian for the Community Council folder.